Welcome to the new webpage for St. Mary's Religious Education Program. We hope that you will visit this site often so that you can stay current with all things that are happening in our program.
The easiest way to do that is by entering your email in the Follow Us box on the left. By following us, you will receive an email whenever new content is added to the site. We will do our best to update the site regularly and provide content that is not only informative about our program, but that can also help us to grow closer to Jesus in this Year of Faith.
On the right, you will notice that there are links for our Sunday and Tuesday classes, as well as our Confirmation and First Eucharist programs.
For our Sunday and Tuesday classes, you will find Lesson plans for each class. This will help ensure that catechists, parents, and students will know what chapters will be covered each week in our classes.
Our Confirmation section contains all of the forms that are needed for the sacrament as well as our calendar of meeting dates.
Thank you for visiting us and we look forward to working together with you as partners in ministry.