Sunday, April 21 and Tuesday, April 23 mark our final days of Religious Education classes for grades K-8. We hope that each of our students has grown in faith and knowledge during this year.
In a very special way, we would like to thank the catechists and volunteers who gave of their time and talent to be with us each week to guide the students in faith and be a true of example of God's love.
Although our formal Religious Education classes are coming to an end for 2012-13, it does not mean that our faith takes a vacation for the summer. We are still called to celebrate and receive Jesus' love in the sacraments and through prayer. Sunday Mass is the most important way for us to experience God's love for us as we listen to His Word in scripture and receive the Most Precious Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist. Prayer is also an important way for us to build and strengthen our relationship with Jesus and as our students in Kindergarten learned this year, we can pray "anytime, anywhere and say anything to Jesus."
As we take time to care for our bodies by eating good foods, getting enough rest, and showering and brushing our teeth, we need to take care of our souls by receiving the Eucharist, talking to Jesus in prayer, and obeying all that Jesus has taught us.
During the summer, we will stay connected to you through this website with information about the parish and religious education program and will also pass on to you resources that can help you and your family grow in faith. We thank you for your continued support of our parish and hope to see you each week at the celebration of Mass.