Our classes resume on Sunday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 6.
Just looking over the attendance folders, I have noticed that many of the classes that were missed have not yet been made-up. This break from Religious Ed. is a good time to get caught up with any classes that you may have missed.
If you have not done so already, please have your child make-up the lessons that they have missed when they were absent. If you are unsure of the days that they were absent, you can email me and I will let you know the classes that your child missed.
You can follow this link to the list of grades and click the link to the lesson plan for your child's grade. Make-up Work
From here, you can find what lesson was covered on the date that your child missed class. Please read the chapter with them and do all of the activities in the chapter and the chapter review. You can then follow the link to the online chapter review, complete it, print it and bring it with you to the next class and give it to your catechist. If the link to the chapter review is not working you can go to the website directly and choose the grade and chapter.
BeMyDisciples (Grades 7 & 8)
Policy on Absences and Attendance
Since, we only meet 26 times during the year, we ask that every effort be made to have your children in class. We understand that illness, family emergencies, and other situations will come up during the year and your child may need to miss class.
repeating the grade level during the next year or
having to do make-up work during the summer.