Monday, March 3, 2014

A Look Back at a Great Start to the New Year

There were a lot of events in January and February to keep us all busy despite the cold temperatures outside.

Our Family Event for the month of January was a big hit with everyone. Following the 10:30am Mass, we gathered for bagels and juice and were treated to some storytelling by Fr. Trinidad. We all gathered around a nice big rug and settled in as Fr. Trinidad brought the stories of the Old Testament to life.

A little snow couldn't stop the almost 200 people from attending our Family Bingo Night held on Saturday, January 25. Whether you won or lost, everyone had a great time playing along. There were a lot of great snacks brought and shared with one another. It was another great opportunity for us to come together as a community and parish family.

Fr. Trinidad has helped bring the learning outside the classroom by bringing some of our classes on a tour of the church and chapel. Each class gets to learn a little more about the Mass and what happens during the liturgy and other celebrations of the sacraments. 

In the beginning of January, the 8th Grade began a video bible series called Encounter and have been journeying through the Old Testament to learn how we can encounter God in our own lives. Through learning more about scripture the 8th Graders are able to better understand what God has in store for them. After each video segment, the students have a chance to share about what they learned and apply it to their lives.  Check out this clip from the first episode: