Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Registration for 2017-18 Religious Education Classes

St. Mary's Religious Education Program 
Classes begin on September 17 (Sunday) & 19 (Tuesday) and will end in late April.
Classes meet on Sunday mornings 9-10:15am or Tuesdays 3:45-5pm in the Phoenix Center School building (across the street from the Church) and in Walsh Hall (Church basement).  
The cost for 1 child is $130 -- 2 or more is $155.
Registration for our Confirmation Program (9th Grade) will be mailed out in July.

For Our Families Returning from Last Year:
You should have received an email with the notification and link to our online registration form.  Through John Patrick Publishing (JPP) and Parish Giving, you are now able to register your children for Religious Education Classes online and pay using your credit card or checking account through the secure site that we also use for our parish online giving. We hope that moving the registration process online will help make it easier for you to register your family in a timely manner during the summer months. 
The entire registration process now only takes a few minutes and can be done from the comforts of home or while sitting at the beach. Do it today and check it off your to-do list. We ask that you please complete the registration by August 1, 2017.  This will allow us to properly plan for supplies, classroom space and to ensure that we have a catechist for each class. 

Religious Education is an on-going journey of faith. Each year, we hope that our students grow in knowledge, but also grow deeper into a relationship with the God who loves them. Therefore, children should be enrolled in Religious Education classes beginning in Grade 1 and continue through the reception of Confirmation in Grade 9.

For Families New to Our Program:
We ask that all new families come into the Parish Center to register for our program. You can schedule a time to come in by calling Diane Addesso at 973-235-1100 or by emailing Anthony Armando (armandoa@stmarysnutley.org)
When you do come in to register your child, please be sure to bring their Baptismal Certificate and/or Letters of Transfer (if they are coming from another parish religious education program).  We would also appreciate if you registered with our parish at this time.

Children should begin Religious Education classes in Grade 1, to help them prepare for the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion in Grade 2. We do also offer a wonderful Kindergarten program on Sundays that is great way to get them started!

We Need You! Our Children Need You! God Needs You!
Our classes are taught by our volunteer staff of catechists. We are currently in need of more people willing to help pass on the faith to our children on both Sundays and Tuesdays. We Need Your Gifts & Talents to provide quality religious education and provide the best classroom experience possible for our 400 students. We are looking for people who are willing to serve and share their faith as a Catechist or an Assistant Catechist. 
You do not need to be a theologian, you just need a servant's heart and a love for God, we can help you with the rest! If you are nervous about doing it alone, ask a friend and you can teach together as a team!!  We will equip you with the tools to help you pass on the faith and to help the students in your class. In addition to the rewards of sharing your faith and helping our parish, you will also receive a $50.00 discount off of the registration fee.