Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Be A Hero

Last Sunday, we were joined by some of our parish families to help prepare lunch boxes for Toni's Kitchen in Montclair.  Toni's Kitchen is a soup kitchen that serves deeply nutritious, homemade meals four days a week to anywhere from 65-85 guests per meal.  For our Family Gathering, we prepared a boxed lunch for the guests to take with them after they finished their meal at Toni's Kitchen. Our children and parents made turkey sandwiches and packed them with snacks and a drink in boxes which they decorated.  
When Anthony Armando dropped the boxes off, he was greeted with a warm welcome. The staff were so grateful for the sandwiches and really impressed with the artwork and care that went into each one of the lunch boxes.
With Lent starting this week, hopefully we can all look for ways to serve those in need.  Check out Toni's Kitchen's website (under the logo on the right) and look at all the good work they do. 
They are always in need of donations and volunteers.  
Putting together a turkey and Swiss sandwich

Two of our young people packing up a lunch box for Toni's Kitchen