This Sunday and Tuesday are the final classes for our Religious
Education school year for Grades K-8. For the past eight months, our
students have been learning about our Catholic Faith and Traditions from our
wonderful staff of volunteer catechists.
Here is quick rundown of our program:
443 Students in Grades K-8
245 Returning Families
75 New Families in Religious Education
88 First Communion
58 Confirmation Candidates
40 Volunteer Catechists
15 Youth Aides
So what do all these numbers mean? I believe they mean, we have a great opportunity to share our faith with our young people so that they can receive the Good News of Christ in their lives. I believe that these numbers also mean that there is a true hunger for faith, a thirst for understanding, and a desire for living a life of meaning. I also believe that these numbers mean that we are truly blessed at St. Mary's. It is our sincere hope that we can be a welcoming and caring parish community where all people experience Christ's love, joy and peace.