Here at St.
Mary's, we have so many wonderful reasons to be joyful as we celebrate the
reception of First Holy Communion with 61 of our young people. As a parish family, we get to share in the celebration of these boys and girls coming to the table of the
Lord's Supper for the first time to receive Jesus' Body, Blood, Soul, and
We have all heard the phrase, “You are what
you eat.” When we consume the Body and
Blood of Christ, we become more like Jesus! If we truly became what we received
each Sunday at Mass then the love of Jesus, the peace of Christ, the joy of the
Risen Lord, would radiate out of us the same way the cherry blossoms radiate
with beauty and color when they bloom.
Let us pray for our young people who will
gather at the Table of the Lord’s Supper for the first time. Let us pray that
the joy they experience today maybe the same joy that they find in their
relationship with Jesus each day of their lives!
Our celebration of First Communion began on May 4th & 5th, when 33 of our children received the Eucharist for the first time. Our celebrations will continue on May 19th at the 10:30am and 12 Noon Mass as we welcome and celebrate with our young people and their families.