Registration for Families who Attended Class Last Year
Registration emails were sent out in the middle of June for Grades K-8. Please use the link in the email to register for Faith Formation Classes on Sundays (9-10:15am) or Tuesdays (3:45-5pm).
The cost for 1 Child is $130, the cost for 2 or more is $160.
Registration for our Confirmation Program (9th Grade) was emailed out in the middle of July. Please use the link in the email to register for our Confirmation Classes which are held twice a month on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30pm. The cost of the program is $135.
Students in Grade 2 should be registered for classes on Sunday or Tuesday as well as our Sacrament Program for First Penance & First Holy Communion. First Penance takes place in December 2019 and First Communions will take place in May of 2020. The fee for this program is $90.
for New Families
If you know of any families with children starting 1st Grade in
the fall, let them know about our program! Children should begin
attending classes in Grade 1, so that they can begin the two-year period of
preparation for 1st Penance & 1st Holy Communion in Grade 2. New
Families need to register by coming into the Parish Center
(Monday-Thursday 9-4pm or by appointment)
If you know of anyone who has been away from religious education
for a few years or has not yet gotten their child started in Faith Formation,
have them call or email Anthony Armando. Together, we can put together a
plan to get them on track.
We Need Your Gifts & Talents
catechists are the heart of our program and we are so grateful for the time and
talent that they give to the children of our parish. We need your help and
support to provide quality religious education and provide the best
classroom experience possible for our 400 students. We are looking for people
who are willing to serve and share their faith as a Catechist or an
Assistant Catechist. You do not need to be a theologian, you just need a
servant's heart and a love for God, we can help you with the rest! If you are
nervous about doing it alone, ask a friend and you can teach together as a
team!! We will equip you with the tools to help you pass on the faith and
to help the students in your class. In addition to the rewards of sharing
your faith and helping our parish, you will also receive a $50.00 discount
off of the registration fee.