Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Saint Mary's Church, Nutley, NJ
Faith Formation Program
Registration for 2020-21
We are busy putting together our virtual Faith Formation program for the 2020-21 school year. We will be starting training with our Catechists and looking into the best way to help our families and students grow in faith during this upcoming year. We know things will not be the same with a virtual program, but we are striving to put together a program that helps our students and families to grow in their relationship with Jesus.  

You can use the button below to access the Online Registration form for Grades K-8. Registration for those making their Confirmation will be sent home in a few weeks. Therefore, do not add your 9th Grader using this form.
Registration is simple and can be done online in just a few minutes. Through John Patrick Publishing (JPP) and Parish Giving, you are able to register your children for classes and pay using your credit card or checking account through the secure site that we also use for our parish online giving. 

We ask that you please register your children for classes by September 1st. This will give us the opportunity to better plan our sessions. It will also allow you to relax and take one more thing off of your to-do list! Thank you for your support and we look forward to walking with you and your family in their journey of faith!
A few things you may notice...
There is no choice of days for our classes yet. We are still trying to figure out when our classes will meet virtually and how that will work for everyone. So you do not need to choose a day (Sunday or Tuesday) because there are no in-person classes. We will update you of our plan for "live" sessions as soon as it is finalized.
We lowered our fees. 
We did this because we want to meet the needs of all of our families.
We know that shut downs, furloughs, and layoffs are something that many of our families have had to deal with during the past 4 months. In an effort to make sure that all of our families can afford to have their children receive religious education, we reduced our fees for the 2020-21 school year.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties at this time, please do not hesitate to contact me for payment options.
We can still use help! We are looking for teachers to help us provide quality religious education to our students and families. 

We are also in need of teachers who can assist our catechists with technology.
We do hope that those families that are able to can continue to be generous in their support of the parish through our Online Parish Giving and envelopes. 

Saint Mary's Parish | 17 Monsignor Owns Place, Nutley, NJ 07110

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